Each category is judged by 5 judges.
Judges evaluate each routine using points from 1 – worst to 10 – best in the following parameters:
Music and rhythm
Overall impression
The final result is the arithmetic mean of the scores that have been assigned by all the judges, where the best and worst scores for each evaluated parameter have been discarded.
The winner in each category is the routine that has been evaluated with the highest number of points. If two or more routines reach the same number of points, the winner is the routine that has the highest number of points in the technique parameter. If it is not possible to determine the winner even after that, the deciding factor becomes the highest number of points in parameter Music and rhythm, then Interpretation, Choreography, and lastly also Overall impression. If after the mentioned order of parameters it is still not possible to determine a winner, best routines share the first place.
Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of further required information or clarification: srpskadanceopen@gmail.com